Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Dear Valued Travel Agents and Clients;

We have recently received this letter from one of our partners in Fiji:

Dear Partners;

This is intended as an update and reassurance on recent political events within Fiji.
Essentially the President has dissolved Parliament and the army are in interim control of the country. The army say they will appoint civilian managers for Government ministries and hold free elections when practicable. The background is complex but involves lengthy unresolved disputes between the Government and Military over certain contentious proposed legislation.
The actions leading to the President dissolving Parliament today have been well telegraphed and largely anticipated. Throughout the process all parties have been very careful to ensure minimum disruption to the country and the safety and security of citizens and tourists.

So we appear to have a rather soft coup.

Naturally, this is a difficult and uncertain time for the citizens of Fiji. International relations and the Fiji economy are both likely to suffer some damage. Domestically there are strongly held views both for and against the Army’s action.

However, our visitors should know that there are no private firearms in Fiji, there have been no demonstrations in the streets, all services such as power, water, and transport are operating normally, and there are no curfew or travel restrictions.

Today Fiji is as safe and friendly as it has always been, and the tourists visiting from all parts of the world are enjoying Fiji, as they always have.

If the situation should ever change for the worse we would advise you and would never knowingly risk the safety of any visitors.

In addition, to our knowledge, there have not been any travel advisories issued for Fiji to date, so we will be continuing our efforts to promote and sell Fiji as a romantic destination to you and your clients.

If you have any further questions, concerns, or would like a quote, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Laurie Keith
Romantic Planet Vacations Inc.
7A 1235 64th Avenue S.E.Calgary AB. T2H 2J7
Tel: 403-255-2173
Fax: 403-255-2187
Res: 866-247-8123
Web-site: www.romanticplanet.ca
Blog: http://romanticplanet.blogspot.com/